Your Essential Guide to Understanding Alimony in New Jersey


Whenever you get embroiled in a divorce, attorneys get involved in helping ensure you get fairly represented in the proceedings. One of the critical factors that get argued in court and can lead to the most emotionally charged exchanges is alimony. While popular culture has painted alimony as something that a man more often than […]

How Do I Ensure an Equitable Distribution of Assets?


Like every couple that files for divorce, no one divorce looks the same. Thorny issues like child custody, prenuptial agreements, guardianship, and more of the little details that need to be discussed at the end of a marriage can stress you out. One area that requires an experienced divorce attorney in your corner to ensure […]

The Differences Between Amicable and Collaborative Divorce


While going through the divorce process rarely ends as a positive experience for the parties involved, there are some cases where the partners end their marriage on good terms. Sometimes people drift apart, and the best move for both people is to move on and start again with someone new. These couples have options that […]

My Ex-Partner Is Not Paying Child Support. What Can I Do?

Child support payments on wooden desk.

The dissolution of a marriage can prove traumatic for all parties involved. During most proceedings, the subject of child support comes up, and an agreement is made based on what your partner owes to help cover the costs of raising your child. But what happens when you have mountains of unpaid child support and no […]

Do I Need a Lawyer If I’m Mediating My Divorce?

Divorce. Man and woman looking at each other angrily while getting divorced

Going through a divorce can quickly become a long, tedious, and contentious process for all parties involved. Deciding to file for divorce from your partner might seem like the most difficult choice you make in the process; however, if you don’t know the differences between divorce mediation and a lawyer-led divorce, you can further complicate […]

What’s the Difference Between Custody and Guardianship in New Jersey?

a judge's gavel with cardboard cutouts of 2 parents and a child in front of it

Family law can be complex, and legal definitions can be a bit mystifying when it comes to the care of a child. Many consider the idea of custody and guardianship to be one and the same. However, these terms describe separate arrangements, and the main differentiator lies in the child’s parentage. Custody orders pertain to […]

7 Ways to Save Your Marriage Before the Pandemic Ends

Save Your Marriage Before the Pandemic Ends

Has your partner’s loud Dorito chewing frayed your next-to-last nerve? Are you counting how many sheets of toilet paper your S.O. uses? Yes, you’re probably way past the pandemic’s honeymoon phase. You’re not alone if you’ve eyed up your spouse and thought, “Wait, I married this person? Do I have to live with them forever?” […]

5 Ways to Help Your Teen Bust the Social-Distancing Blues


Welcome to the new normal—and the social distancing blues.  While most of us (even family pets) have had our routines upended for months, it’s important to remember that your older children—yes, your teenagers—might be taking this much harder than you think It’s not just that they’re the first teens in our lifetimes to miss sports […]

It’s a Date: 6 Ideas for the Sweetest Pandemic Date Night Ever

pandemic date night

Majorly trending on Twitter: Since some experts are predicting a surge of #covidivorces, it might be time to schedule some hot #pandemicdatenights or tap into #quarantech for social distance dating. Lots of us are living in closer quarters with our partners or spouses. Some of us are virtually dating our new significant other, while others […]

7 Ways to Manage Sadness and Anxiety During Your Divorce

manage anxiety depression divorce

When you and your soon-to-be-ex were saying your vows, you probably didn’t imagine ending your marriage. You’re definitely not alone, as more than 782,000 couples divorce each year in the U.S. That’s nearly 2,142 divorces per day and 15,039 divorces per week—or one divorce every approximately 40 seconds.  Translation: In the time it takes one […]