7 Ways to Manage Sadness and Anxiety During Your Divorce

By Heather C. Keith When you and your soon-to-be-ex were saying your vows, you probably didn’t imagine ending your marriage. You’re definitely not alone, as more than 782,000 couples divorce each year in the U.S. That’s nearly 2,142 divorces per day and 15,039 divorces per week—or one divorce every approximately 40 seconds.  Translation: In the time it takes one […]

Is Amicable Divorce Even an Option for Me?

Woman and her son.

Well, well, well… considering a divorce, are we? Or are you just here to show some love and support to someone who is? Either way, welcome to the party, friend! We’re here to lend a helping hand, because let’s be real, divorce is no walk in the park. When it comes to divorce, being in […]

How to Prepare a Complaint for Divorce

Man and his child.

If you’re thinking about pulling the plug on your marriage, you better strap in and prepare for the wild ride ahead. Lucky for you, we’ve got the inside scoop on how to lay down the law with a divorce complaint, why legal advice is non-negotiable, and what legal requirements you need to check off before […]

Reputation on the Line: How to Keep Your Good Name Intact During Divorce

Woman being talked about behind her back.

When your personal life gets hit by a wrecking ball, and you’re knee-deep in a legal and emotional swamp, the last thing you want is to become the town’s hot topic. Let’s face it; nobody wants to be the subject of watercooler chat, office gossip, or even worse, a star of your own Jerry Springer […]

What to Expect From an Emergency Child Custody Hearing

Child custody cases in New Jersey can quickly take unexpected twists and turns that throw you for a loop. In certain circumstances, you can find yourself calling for or being called into an emergency child custody hearing. These proceedings can feel overwhelming and cause a lot of anxiety for all parties involved. But what constitutes […]

Divorce vs. Separation in New Jersey: The Legal Differences

It can be extremely hard to end a relationship, especially when you’ve committed to being with that person for the rest of your life. However, there are situations when deciding to separate is better than staying together, especially if there are frequent conflicts or your children’s well-being is at stake.

My Spouse Won’t Sign the Papers; What Do I Do Now?

my spouse

No one truly wants a divorce, and if you’re going through one or feel like one is best, you want your situation to go as smoothly as possible. Unfortunately, not everyone has an amicable separation, and some spouses refuse to sign divorce papers and deal with the legal ramifications of a relationship ending. If your spouse doesn’t […]

Can I Have My Child Support Payments Reduced?

Child support payments on wooden desk.

When children become a focal point of a divorce case, charged emotions, arguments over money, and custody battles are commonplace. In the aftermath of these deliberations, you may have to make child support payments to your former spouse every month to help care for your child. However, life does not always allow you to make […]

Staying Involved in Your Child’s Life After a Divorce

childs life

Divorce is one of the most devastating events in your life, and the end of your marriage rarely has positive effects. Regardless, your role as a parent continues no matter your marital status. Whether you are a custodial or non-custodial parent, you still have a role to play in caring for your child and ensuring […]