Do I Need a Lawyer If I’m Mediating My Divorce?

Divorce. Man and woman looking at each other angrily while getting divorced

Going through a divorce can quickly become a long, tedious, and contentious process for all parties involved. Deciding to file for divorce from your partner might seem like the most difficult choice you make in the process; however, if you don’t know the differences between divorce mediation and a lawyer-led divorce, you can further complicate matters. Keith Family Law provides an overview of what it means to seek divorce mediation and what role divorce lawyers can play throughout the process.

What is Divorce Mediation?

Divorcing couples can have a long and drawn-out divorce process ahead of them if they go the traditional route of divorce litigation. Mediation provides them with an avenue to a settlement agreement that is equitable for both parties and leaves on a somewhat amicable note. Divorce mediation offers couples a flexible and dynamic option to handle the proceedings and create an environment where everyone has their voice heard by an impartial third party. 

In theory, as the mediation sessions continue, you and your former spouse can come to equal divorce settlement terms through the mediation process and come to an agreement that’s best for you both and your children if it applies. However, without a source of experienced legal advice in your ear, the chances that you don’t get the outcome you want increase. 

The Role of the Mediator

While the divorce mediator is present to preside over the hearings, their mediation work doesn’t extend to establishing the terms of the agreement. The terms are still in complete control of you and your former spouse. So if your spouse has retained a divorce attorney to help guide them through the process, it can significantly skew the settlement terms in their favor. 

From things like asset division to child custody and child support payments, you can come out of the mediation process worse for wear without a trusted legal advisor in your corner. While mediators can be lawyers, it’s not always the case. Mediators can also be financial professionals, mental health professionals, or other disciplines. 

How a Divorce Mediation Attorney Can Benefit You

While different professionals can act as mediators during these sessions, if they are not practicing lawyers, there might be gaps in their knowledge of the law that will negatively impact the final agreement. Our team employs a team of experienced mediation lawyers who know divorce law and can help guide both sides to an equitable agreement. 

Under the best circumstances, divorce mediation is an amicable process that ends significantly faster than one that goes through the court system. With classic divorce proceedings lasting well beyond a year, it’s a drawn-out process that weighs heavily on you, your spouse, and possibly your children. Divorce mediation lawyers can help keep the process to a minimum and settle the case quickly and efficiently — usually within five sessions. 

If you and your spouse are ready to move on and find an amicable separation and divorce resolution, Keith Family Law is here to help. Contact our team to schedule a strategy session with the team and learn how we can help you navigate your divorce process.

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